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Click:KCC11-800 PDFLow voltage---KCC11- 800

KCC800 is a new generation product which is redesigned by summarizing users'experience over the years and according to users' opinions on the improvement of the original products on the market. It has greatly improved the appearance, performance, reliability and easy-to-use maintenance of the products. The optimized KCC11C series can be used reliably for switching capacitive loads (AC-6a of transformers) and AC-6b of capacitor banks. It can completely replace the old products. Users are welcome to choose to use it.

Product characteristics

Main circuit

Vacuum switching tubes are manufactured by well-known manufacturers in China. Mature technology, reliable quality, good market reputation.

Fully insulated structure, unique structure, reasonable and compact, beautiful appearance, compact size.

The movable end connection is more reliable, with large conductive cross section and low contact resistance.

The insulation of the main circuit is optimized and can be used in 2kV voltage level. The power frequency withstand voltage can reach 7kV, which can safely replace the old products.

- Electromagnetic systems

Adopting fully sealed auxiliary switch can greatly improve the reliability and safety of auxiliary switch.

Optimizing the operation structure, reducing the starting power and maintaining power of the coil, so that the temperature rise is low, the service life is long and the coil is more reliable.

Auxiliary switch uses buffer at the beginning to reduce the action impact and improve the reliability of auxiliary switch.

- Movement structure

The bearing is flexible, the force is not stuck, and the axial movement is small, which improves the performance and consistency of the motion.

Reasonable action mechanism ensures the coaxiality of the axially moving conductive rod of the vacuum tube, and improves the performance and reliability of the contactor.

Enhance the contact pressure of the main contact, improve the electrical performance and operation characteristics. The index is superior to that of similar products.

Convenient use and maintenance

The secondary circuit terminal has a function mark, and the routing is distinguished by fixed color to prevent wiring errors and check wiring conveniently. The terminal location can be set according to user's requirements. The number of auxiliary contacts can be combined according to the use requirements.



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