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Click:CKJ5-400/1140 PDFGeneric class AC vacuum contactor> CKJ5-400/1140

CKJ5-400/1140 AC vacuum contactor is the next-generation product developed by the company through summarizing many years of users' experience and designed based on the improvement opinions on existing products, therefore, we have remarkably improved the product both in performance indexes, reliability and easy maintenance. It has the advantages of high breaking capacity, oxidation resistance of contact, non-exposing of arc, safety & reliability, long service life, maintenance-free and low noise, etc. Its excellent on-and-off technique assures capability of frequent operations & usages under particularly harsh conditions. It is suitable for conditions including control & protection of motors and electrical control, etc. It is widely used in electrical equipment control in various industrial fields. It can completely replace the traditional electric appliance for use, it has economic efficiency for use.


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