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Click:CKG4-2P multipolar High voltage (medium voltage) >CKG4-2PV

Product synopsis:

CKG4-2P series AC high-voltage vacuum contactor is the mainstream model on the market. The company has summarized users' experience through many years and redesigned the original product, therefore, we have remarkably improved the product both in performance indexes, reliability and easy maintenance。

Product features:

Main circuit

·The vacuum switch tube adopts products of domestic well-known manufacturers. They have matured technology, reliable quality and good market credit.。

·630A current grade uses double moving end jointing of end surface and conductive clip, with low resistance, low temperature rise and higher reliability.

·The conductive bar has good appearance and durability, in addition, the cross-sectional area is superior to other similar products,Reinforcement plate is installed on the fixed end conducting bar to enhance strength of connection between the copper bar and the vacuum tube, preventing the harm caused by deformation of copper bar。

Electromagnetic system

·It adopts closed structure, it becomes an electrical product with complete structure after being equipped with heat-sink window and this fully satisfies the usage requirements such as temperature. Furthermore, it can avoid suction of dust and ferromagnetic material, it is safe in usage. Therefore, it is the unique structure among the similar products.。?

·It can optimize the movement structure, reduce the coil starting power and holding power, thus it has low temperature rise, long service life and high reliability。

·Limit buffers are set at moving armature brake-opening limit positions, Eliminating the potential accident hazards due to too large opening rebound amplitude. In the meantime, the auxiliary switch punches also use the buffer to reduce movement impact and improve the reliability of auxiliary switch。

Movement structure

·The spindle support is flexible, the load-carrying capability is seizure-free, Axial movement is small, thus the movement performance and consistency are improved。

·The reasonable action mechanism ensures coaxiality of the conductive electric pole during axial movement, this improves the performance and reliability of the contactor,in addition, this makes three-phase synchronization and resilience indexes better than the similar products。

·It has enhanced the contact pressure of the main contact and improved electrical properties and movement characteristics. The indexes are superior to other similar products。

·The mechanical self-containing equipment has a style of its own, with reasonable structure and it is more reliable for use。

Easy use and maintenance

·The secondary circuit terminal has functional flags, the wiring is classified by fixed colors to avoid wiring error and make it convenient for wiring. Terminal position can be set according to users' requirements. Number of auxiliary contacts can be combined according to the usage requirements。?


Click:CKG4-2P multipolar PDF

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