
中文 EnglishTEL:0510-83120927
Magnetic Latching Contactors upto 630A from 150A

Magnetic latching contactors of both block and bar mounted types are fitted with a special electromagnet which enables them to remain in the "On" position when the coil is no longer energised.


1) Retention of the sequence memory in automatic control equipment in the event of loss of control voltage.

2) Energy saving, since the source of supply to the coil does not need to supply current when the contactor is latched in the closed state.

3) Change of state from "Closed" to "Open" by current signal through the coil.

4) Unaffected by mains interference.

5) Utilisation of contactors beyond their breaking capacity, as operations are performed off-load.

6) Contactors are silent in the latched position.

Reversing magnetic latching contactors, 3 pole and 4 pole also available for application.

Magnetic latching contactors, 3p and 4p from 115A to 630A click here for details.

Reversing magnetic latching contactor, 3p and 4p from 150A to 630A click here for details.



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Tel:0510-83120927 Fax:0510-83101862
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