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Vacuum contactor Failure

Vacuum contactor is faulty, based on its ability to accurately closing, opening and securely held at closing, sub-gate position to judge. Failure of the primary circuit aspects can be found and removed from the contactor routine repair and maintenance. The main causes of common failures are as follows: Can not charged.

Energy storage is not one of the more common failures vacuum contactor, especially ratchet, pawl driving energy storage mechanism, the higher the probability of failure. To complete the storage operation of the energy storage means, depending on the energy storage motor, drive mechanism, these three aspects of the positioning member. Seize these three aspects, it is easy to find fault crux.

No closing action. No closing operation failure occurred, and whether closing the main solenoid pull, energy storage is in place, the action is properly related to the positioning member. Empty together. There closing action but not close the gate together called empty. In the analysis of such failure, keep it from closing (lock) to start the analysis, then analyze whether the section on energy storage. Regardless of the gate.

This needs to be stressed that the contacts occurred tripping, etc. together when empty, before analyzing overhaul body contact, to fully determine whether the reasons lies in the control and secondary components, such as auxiliary switches, terminal blocks, etc., and then analyze and diagnose the contactor.




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