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The working principle of vacuum contactor

Vacuum contactors are usually electrically separated by an insulating frame, metal base, drive crank arm, electromagnetic systems, auxiliary switches and vacuum switches and other components. When the solenoid by the control voltage, armature drive crank arm rotation, so that the main vacuum switch contact connected, after an electromagnetic coil power, due to the opening action of the spring, the main contact breaking.

Vacuum switch tube is above the cover, under cover, metal bellows and ceramic tubes and other components, the vacuum switch, the shell is made of insulating material 95 porcelain ceramic corrugated tube, it has creepage distances, high mechanical strength heat and impact resistant characteristics. Vacuum switch tube packaging pair moving contacts, contact materials with wear-resistant and low-Cu-W-Wc closure value, so breaking performance in meeting the conditions for reducing the breaking process due to overvoltage caused by the closure, improve the use of electric vacuum switch tube life. When the metal bellows axial movement of the movable contact driven to do sub-closing action.

Electromagnetic system considering the actual suction characteristics and reaction force characteristics of a good fit, and play contact runtime low noise, energy-saving advantages, the use of double stranded coil from the start and maintain two windings, through the auxiliary switch, in order to facilitate the user to communicate power supply operation, contactors with a bridge rectifier.

Mechanical Lock: When closing coil is energized, the contactor pull, mechanical lock to lock: When the trip coil is energized, the mechanical lock release, contactors release, trip coil in the hot state, the voltage at the Us85 % -110% range within the contactor reliable release

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